Fashion icon: Ruth Bader Ginsburg

images-26Ruth Bader Ginsburg: the second female justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Fashion icon AFFIRMED.




Obama Hosts Reception For New Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor



Fashion Icon: Clarissa Explains it All

The absolute, hands down fashion icon of 90s children’s programming, Clarissa Darling.

Rent the discs on Netflix, seriously. The show is oddly smart for children’s shows. That’s how awesome the 90s were. Le sigh.

And her CLOTHES. Inventive, crazy, fun.

This outfit is sick.
We now know where this trend came from. Thanks, Clarissa.
We now know where this trend came from. Thanks, Clarissa.
So true
So true

Why don’t I have the DVDs of this show yet?!