Kristen Wiig is totally in lurve with Fabrizio Moretti

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I would be too, girl. Drummers have a special aura, especially curly-haired cute ones from the Strokes. Our girl KW just opened up to Marie Claire about her amazing life right now, thanks to a happy career and a happy relationship. I’m so happy for her. It’s nice to see a talented gal being happy and successful.

I’m still in my post-SNL-leaving haze of Kristen Wiig. Every time someone brings up KW, I wanna watch her last scene on SNL and cry like a baby because it was awesomely sweet and touching. But it makes me happy to know that she’s off drinking wine and doing whatever famous people do in Fab’s hip apartment in whatever neighborhood is cool in NYC right now. Hearts!

Kristen Wiig opens up about boyfriend Fabrizio Moretti: ‘I’m happier than I’ve ever been’  – NY Daily News.

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