The Queen of England

The Queen's 60th Diamond Jubilee photo. Photo via
The Queen's 60th Diamond Jubilee photo. Photo via

The Queen of England is celebrating her Diamond Jubilee. If you’re like me and thought this was some kind of British royalty celebration including diamonds and general jubilee-ness, you would be wrong my friend.

A lil bit o’ history for us lowly commoners (via wikipedia):

Diamond Jubilee is a celebration held to mark a 60th anniversary in the case of a person (e.g. wedding anniversary, length of time a monarch has reigned) or a 75th anniversary in the case of an event. Traditionally, the diamond jubilee or anniversary of a person was also on the 75th anniversary. This changed when, due to national unrest when the British QueenVictoria following her withdrawal from public life after her husband‘s death, it was decided to bring the diamond jubilee forward to the 60th anniversary in 1897. The diamond jubilee has been held on the 60th anniversary ever since.

The Queen’s message on her 60th year as a reigning tour-de-force:

Jubileeeeeeeee! Photo via
Jubileeeeeeeee! Photo via

Today, as I mark 60 years as your Queen, I am writing to thank you for the wonderful support and encouragement that you have given to me and Prince Philip over these years and to tell you how deeply moved we have been to receive so many kind messages about the Diamond Jubilee.

In this special year, as I dedicate myself anew to your service, I hope we will all be reminded of the power of togetherness and the convening strength of family, friendship and good neighbourliness, examples of which I have been fortunate to see throughout my reign and which my family and I look forward to seeing in many forms as we travel throughout the United Kingdom and the wider Commonwealth.

I hope also that this Jubilee year will be a time to give thanks for the great advances that have been made since 1952 and to look forward to the future with clear head and warm heart as we join together in our celebrations.

I send my sincere good wishes to you all.


4 thoughts on “The Queen of England

  1. She’s the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland you cretinous swill. Presumably you isolate ‘England’ to avoid implicating Scots and Irish, the people you worship like eager children. In short you’re as unjust as those you criticise but are too stupid to see it.

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